"Create a chilling Halloween scene featuring a sinister-looking rabbit with a macabre grin, set in a pumpkin patch under a moonlit night sky. The atmosphere should be reminiscent of a Stephen King film, with cinematic lighting that casts eerie shadows across the vibrant orange pumpkins. The scene should be rich in color, showcasing deep greens of the leaves, a bright, ominous orange moon, and predominant Halloween colors of purple and orange. The image should be captured in high definition with a Canon 5D MKIII using a 50mm lens to enhance the detail and texture of the rabbit's fur and the pumpkins."
"Create a chilling Halloween scene featuring a sinister-looking rabbit with a macabre grin, set in a pumpkin patch under a moonlit night sky. The atmosphere should be reminiscent of a Stephen King film, with cinematic lighting that casts eerie shadows across the vibrant orange pumpkins. The scene should be rich in color, showcasing deep greens of the leaves, a bright, ominous orange moon, and predominant Halloween colors of purple and orange. The image should be captured in high definition with a Canon 5D MKIII using a 50mm lens to enhance the detail and texture of the rabbit's fur and the pumpkins."