In the middle of a bustling city street, a small girl with bright orange hair and a friendly smile stands tall, cheering me too. The sun shines down on her, casting long shadows behind her. The girl's face is filled with joy and determination as she walks gracefully in the distance, tossing presents and enjoying the sights and sounds of the cityscape. A man with a smile and a wide-brimmed hat sits above the girl's feet, smiling and loving her face. In the distance, a small skyscraper serves as the perfect backdrop to this unforgettable sight.
In the middle of a bustling city street, a small girl with bright orange hair and a friendly smile stands tall, cheering me too. The sun shines down on her, casting long shadows behind her. The girl's face is filled with joy and determination as she walks gracefully in the distance, tossing presents and enjoying the sights and sounds of the cityscape. A man with a smile and a wide-brimmed hat sits above the girl's feet, smiling and loving her face. In the distance, a small skyscraper serves as the perfect backdrop to this unforgettable sight.