American style cartoon comic drawing illustration of Futuristic bunker nestled into an arctic mountain, angular gray concrete facade emerging from the rock. Monumental entrance with a metal door adorned with a reflective artistic panel. Desolate landscape with scattered snow, barren mountains in the background, cloudy and gray sky. Triangular metal access ramp. Minimalist and industrial architecture. Post-apocalyptic atmosphere. Diffused natural lighting, night scene with nothern lights in the sky, diabolik style
American style cartoon comic drawing illustration of Futuristic bunker nestled into an arctic mountain, angular gray concrete facade emerging from the rock. Monumental entrance with a metal door adorned with a reflective artistic panel. Desolate landscape with scattered snow, barren mountains in the background, cloudy and gray sky. Triangular metal access ramp. Minimalist and industrial architecture. Post-apocalyptic atmosphere. Diffused natural lighting, night scene with nothern lights in the sky, diabolik style