In the heart of a bustling city, a mischievous joven camouflages and weaves through the streets. In his paws, he clad in a thick coat and a long, unkempt coat, carries a sword and a tattered scarf. Suddenly, he spots a lone statue on the wall above and reveals a storybook, his expression a mixture of fierce determination and determination. In the distance, a towering cityscape can be seen, with the sky-high billowing of flowers and the towering cacti of city life. The scene is both surreal and terrifying, leaving the viewer wondering what a strange twist this city might be.
Fotografie-Dokumentarische Fotografie 11
Nahostbewohner,Mittleren Alters und Ältere,Funktionale Eleganz
Ultra-Weitwinkelobjektiv für sehr lange Distanzen,Weitwinkelansicht,Ganzkörperaufnahme
In the heart of a bustling city, a mischievous joven camouflages and weaves through the streets. In his paws, he clad in a thick coat and a long, unkempt coat, carries a sword and a tattered scarf. Suddenly, he spots a lone statue on the wall above and reveals a storybook, his expression a mixture of fierce determination and determination. In the distance, a towering cityscape can be seen, with the sky-high billowing of flowers and the towering cacti of city life. The scene is both surreal and terrifying, leaving the viewer wondering what a strange twist this city might be.
Fotografie-Dokumentarische Fotografie 11
Nahostbewohner,Mittleren Alters und Ältere,Funktionale Eleganz
Ultra-Weitwinkelobjektiv für sehr lange Distanzen,Weitwinkelansicht,Ganzkörperaufnahme