A realistic scene of a 20-year-old Indian girl standing in the water, celebrating Chhath Puja. She wears a vibrant yellow saree and holds a 'supli' containing small sugarcanes, fruits, and sweets. Beside her, a young boy in a yellow shirt with the name 'SHIVAM' is bold letters carefully pours milk from a glass into her supli. The background features beautifully decorated ghats typical of Varanasi, with a festive, colorful atmosphere and 'Happy Chhath' clearly displayed in the
A realistic scene of a 20-year-old Indian girl standing in the water, celebrating Chhath Puja. She wears a vibrant yellow saree and holds a 'supli' containing small sugarcanes, fruits, and sweets. Beside her, a young boy in a yellow shirt with the name 'SHIVAM' is bold letters carefully pours milk from a glass into her supli. The background features beautifully decorated ghats typical of Varanasi, with a festive, colorful atmosphere and 'Happy Chhath' clearly displayed in the