Create a cartoon-style animation where a lion and a panda meet in a magical forest and, when they touch paws, initially merge into a single, adorable animal. This new animal should have a cute, child-friendly appearance, with the rounded ears of a panda, but with the lion's mane in a soft, furry shape. The animal's body should have lion leaf stripes and cute panda spots, with a smiling and friendly expression. , with tons of white, black, and light gold. The setting is a magical forest with vibrant colors and fantasy elements, such as colorful flowers and butterflies around
Create a cartoon-style animation where a lion and a panda meet in a magical forest and, when they touch paws, initially merge into a single, adorable animal. This new animal should have a cute, child-friendly appearance, with the rounded ears of a panda, but with the lion's mane in a soft, furry shape. The animal's body should have lion leaf stripes and cute panda spots, with a smiling and friendly expression. , with tons of white, black, and light gold. The setting is a magical forest with vibrant colors and fantasy elements, such as colorful flowers and butterflies around