In the heart of the bustling city of Cochabamba, is a spacious, minimalist house. The exterior is a sleek, modern exterior, with plush windows and a large windows that offer a stunning view of the rolling hills and lush green countryside below. Cars and people stroll by, their footsteps echoing across the city's bustling streets. The house is surrounded by colorful graffiti, with a wooden railing and the name of the local community. to modify earlier caption: Instead of describing a two-story minimalist house in the city of Cochabamba, the minimalist style house now features a minimalist flair. The exterior is a smooth gray exterior, with a simple, clean design that complements the urban landscape. The interior is clean and well-maintained, with plush chairs and a sinking bathtub placed between two-story windows that offer a peaceful view of the urban landscape. The overall effect is a unique and quirky sight to behold, bringing a sense of life to the otherwise urban atmosphere.