A sketch of 32k hyper-realistic cinematic shot." A hybrid of Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) and Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), with a Super Saiyan hairstyle blazing in neon green and gold. Their suit glows with dual cosmic and Lantern Corps energy. The scene takes place in a vast nebula, illuminated with intricate CGI nebular storms and shimmering starlight, as they fend off shadowy alien invaders.
Ganzkörperaufnahme,Weitschuss,Halbtotale,Weitwinkelansicht,Blick nach oben,Blick von oben,Von oben Ansicht
A sketch of 32k hyper-realistic cinematic shot." A hybrid of Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) and Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), with a Super Saiyan hairstyle blazing in neon green and gold. Their suit glows with dual cosmic and Lantern Corps energy. The scene takes place in a vast nebula, illuminated with intricate CGI nebular storms and shimmering starlight, as they fend off shadowy alien invaders.
Ganzkörperaufnahme,Weitschuss,Halbtotale,Weitwinkelansicht,Blick nach oben,Blick von oben,Von oben Ansicht