5 Entrando Jesus em Cafarnaum, dirigiu-se a ele um centurião romano, pedindo-lhe ajuda.
,a man wearing a costume and holding his hand up,syrius,king david,mastrantonio,theodosian,jeshua,athelstan,yeh

a man wearing a costume and holding his hand up

João Guilherme Guerra
KI Bildgenerator v1
Stil: Fotografie-Dokumentarfotografie 27
Szene: Mann
Kunstfertigkeit: 11%
Verhältnis: 1:1
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a man wearing a costume and holding his hand up

João Guilherme Guerra
KI Bildgenerator v1
Stil: Fotografie-Dokumentarfotografie 27
Szene: Mann
Kunstfertigkeit: 11%
Verhältnis: 1:1
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