A 28 year old, man. SCARS on his FACE. Golden eyes, black hair. Dressed in leather armor. Standing sideways, turned to the right.,a fantasy picture of a knight in a mountain setting,cavill,dante,sereg

a fantasy picture of a knight in a mountain setting

Nikodem Bazgrała
KI Bildgenerator v2
Stil: Konzeptionelle Kunst-Fantasie 05
Verhältnis: 5:7
Beleuchtung: Strahlende Gottesschimmer
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a fantasy picture of a knight in a mountain setting

Nikodem Bazgrała
KI Bildgenerator v2
Stil: Konzeptionelle Kunst-Fantasie 05
Verhältnis: 5:7
Beleuchtung: Strahlende Gottesschimmer
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