An angled down view of a page from the anime of the character Kokuto Shinkai, portrayed from the side. The main body is made up of two small parts of girl and her red beard, with large eyes and a small nose being shown out by a pink mark on its forehead, and an eye in the middle of the eyes. The text on the top portion is about green plants and leaves which resemble a flower, followed by additional notes in the same way that include a cute face and ears where hair. The bottom half of the panel is filled with more illustrations and text that resembles a character from Star Wars and Princess A. To the right of the character is a short note that reads "TELLO / WAYS / BEWARE". At the bottom left of the image is a partial view of a piece of cardboard that reads "MEGABINESE / A. R. B. WILLIAMS".
An angled down view of a page from the anime of the character Kokuto Shinkai, portrayed from the side. The main body is made up of two small parts of girl and her red beard, with large eyes and a small nose being shown out by a pink mark on its forehead, and an eye in the middle of the eyes. The text on the top portion is about green plants and leaves which resemble a flower, followed by additional notes in the same way that include a cute face and ears where hair. The bottom half of the panel is filled with more illustrations and text that resembles a character from Star Wars and Princess A. To the right of the character is a short note that reads "TELLO / WAYS / BEWARE". At the bottom left of the image is a partial view of a piece of cardboard that reads "MEGABINESE / A. R. B. WILLIAMS".