"A captivating cinematic poster that merges the worlds of Interstellar and Jurassic Park. The poster shows an astronaut in a spacesuit standing in a lush jungle populated by dinosaurs, under a starry sky with black holes visible in the background. atmosphere is both futuristic and wild, mixing cosmic mystery and dinosaur excitement The fictional title 'Jurassic Voyage' is written in large letters in the center of the poster, using. futuristic metallic typography with vegetal touches and dinosaur scratches At the bottom, an intriguing slogan: 'When the mysteries of the cosmos meet the giants of the past.' Bright colors and intense contrasts immediately catch the eye, promising an epic and unique adventure."
"A captivating cinematic poster that merges the worlds of Interstellar and Jurassic Park. The poster shows an astronaut in a spacesuit standing in a lush jungle populated by dinosaurs, under a starry sky with black holes visible in the background. atmosphere is both futuristic and wild, mixing cosmic mystery and dinosaur excitement The fictional title 'Jurassic Voyage' is written in large letters in the center of the poster, using. futuristic metallic typography with vegetal touches and dinosaur scratches At the bottom, an intriguing slogan: 'When the mysteries of the cosmos meet the giants of the past.' Bright colors and intense contrasts immediately catch the eye, promising an epic and unique adventure."