"A whimsical movie poster parody titled Santa on Titanic, combining the magic of Christmas with the drama of the iconic ship. The poster features Santa Claus in full holiday gear, standing dramatically on the bow of the Titanic, arms outstretched in the classic 'I'm the king of the world' pose, with his sack of gifts slung over his shoulder. Beside him, an elf clings nervously to the railing, holding onto a tangled string of Christmas lights. In the background, the Titanic is hilariously decorated with oversized wreaths, candy canes, and twinkling lights, as if Santa commandeered the ship for his holiday deliveries. Icebergs shaped like Christmas trees dot the horizon. The tagline reads: 'This Christmas, the Titanic isn’t the only thing going down!' The poster is filled with vibrant holiday colors, blending the grandeur of the Titanic with the festive chaos of Santa’s world."
"A whimsical movie poster parody titled Santa on Titanic, combining the magic of Christmas with the drama of the iconic ship. The poster features Santa Claus in full holiday gear, standing dramatically on the bow of the Titanic, arms outstretched in the classic 'I'm the king of the world' pose, with his sack of gifts slung over his shoulder. Beside him, an elf clings nervously to the railing, holding onto a tangled string of Christmas lights. In the background, the Titanic is hilariously decorated with oversized wreaths, candy canes, and twinkling lights, as if Santa commandeered the ship for his holiday deliveries. Icebergs shaped like Christmas trees dot the horizon. The tagline reads: 'This Christmas, the Titanic isn’t the only thing going down!' The poster is filled with vibrant holiday colors, blending the grandeur of the Titanic with the festive chaos of Santa’s world."