A modern twist on *Gladiator*: In a dystopian future, arenas combine brutal combat with virtual reality spectacles. The protagonist, a betrayed general, fights for justice in a world where ancient Roman aesthetics merge with neon-lit skyscrapers. Gladiators wield plasma swords, drones broadcast battles, and the corrupt leader rules from a floating colosseum. Survival is brutal, honor is rare, and rebellion sparks in the unlikeliest places.
A modern twist on *Gladiator*: In a dystopian future, arenas combine brutal combat with virtual reality spectacles. The protagonist, a betrayed general, fights for justice in a world where ancient Roman aesthetics merge with neon-lit skyscrapers. Gladiators wield plasma swords, drones broadcast battles, and the corrupt leader rules from a floating colosseum. Survival is brutal, honor is rare, and rebellion sparks in the unlikeliest places.