A skyscraper-sized hive constructed from calcified honeycomb and industrial steel. Hexagonal chambers house humanoid figures encased in amber, their faces contorted in terror. Swarms of biomechanical insects with human eyes crawl across its surface, repairing cracks with glowing resin. At the summit, a colossal queen with a porcelain mask drips black nectar into a chasm below. The air shimmers with hallucinogenic pollen, and the structure breathes, expanding and contracting like a lung.
A skyscraper-sized hive constructed from calcified honeycomb and industrial steel. Hexagonal chambers house humanoid figures encased in amber, their faces contorted in terror. Swarms of biomechanical insects with human eyes crawl across its surface, repairing cracks with glowing resin. At the summit, a colossal queen with a porcelain mask drips black nectar into a chasm below. The air shimmers with hallucinogenic pollen, and the structure breathes, expanding and contracting like a lung.