Sitting opened to the middle pages, laying flat on a large rock surface used as a table is an antique old time journal inspired by the notebook of Davinci's Da Vinci's inventions, laying beside the journal is a small ink vial for pen dipping and a 7 inch straight piece of bone that has been sharpened into a usable pen, among the two pages opened are the detailed beautiful handwritten notes for the invention of a gorgeous home, an Altitude Abode; Crest view Chalet; this contemporary looking hand drawn home is set on a large fitting circular slab of stone that appears to be designed after a sun dial, this sundial inspired foundation for the home appears to literally have the function of rotating in a circular fashion establishing the entire homes foundation to be rotate-able. This entire fitted foundation for this home hand-drawn amongst the left page of this rustic journal, is also built on the 2/3'rd's upper section of a perfect pyramid for which has the home on the circular rotatable sundial inspired slab and below the pyramid is a natural grass landscape smooth and without trees. On the rooftop of this modernistic home is what appears to be several large solar-panels positioned angularly in one direction with carbon fibre looking small beams to hold the solar-panels stably. The home itself appears perfectly fitted to it's circular rotating foundation and fits nicely on top of this two thirds upper section of this pyramid. On the facing side of the pyramid are perfectly cut stairs leading from the grassy landscape up through the pyramid and perfectly into the front door of this house. The home itself is almost entirely built from glass that is framed into sections by a thin carbon-fibre and the home appears to be two stories and tapers in an angle matching the pyramid. The top of the home is flat. Reality, sharpened, long distance tilt-shift wide angle view encapsulating the grassy hillside from which the large circular slab of stone and the pyramid foundation for the home are build upon. This is a beautifully hand drawn image on this wide open antique Da Vinci style inventions notebook.
Ultra-Weitwinkelobjektiv für sehr lange Distanzen,Ganzkörperaufnahme
Sitting opened to the middle pages, laying flat on a large rock surface used as a table is an antique old time journal inspired by the notebook of Davinci's Da Vinci's inventions, laying beside the journal is a small ink vial for pen dipping and a 7 inch straight piece of bone that has been sharpened into a usable pen, among the two pages opened are the detailed beautiful handwritten notes for the invention of a gorgeous home, an Altitude Abode; Crest view Chalet; this contemporary looking hand drawn home is set on a large fitting circular slab of stone that appears to be designed after a sun dial, this sundial inspired foundation for the home appears to literally have the function of rotating in a circular fashion establishing the entire homes foundation to be rotate-able. This entire fitted foundation for this home hand-drawn amongst the left page of this rustic journal, is also built on the 2/3'rd's upper section of a perfect pyramid for which has the home on the circular rotatable sundial inspired slab and below the pyramid is a natural grass landscape smooth and without trees. On the rooftop of this modernistic home is what appears to be several large solar-panels positioned angularly in one direction with carbon fibre looking small beams to hold the solar-panels stably. The home itself appears perfectly fitted to it's circular rotating foundation and fits nicely on top of this two thirds upper section of this pyramid. On the facing side of the pyramid are perfectly cut stairs leading from the grassy landscape up through the pyramid and perfectly into the front door of this house. The home itself is almost entirely built from glass that is framed into sections by a thin carbon-fibre and the home appears to be two stories and tapers in an angle matching the pyramid. The top of the home is flat. Reality, sharpened, long distance tilt-shift wide angle view encapsulating the grassy hillside from which the large circular slab of stone and the pyramid foundation for the home are build upon. This is a beautifully hand drawn image on this wide open antique Da Vinci style inventions notebook.
Ultra-Weitwinkelobjektiv für sehr lange Distanzen,Ganzkörperaufnahme