Levi Ackerman, often referred to as Captain Levi, is a prominent character in the anime and manga series "Attack on Titan." He is known for his short stature, which contrasts with his incredible combat skills and physical abilities. Levi has a striking appearance characterized by his short, straight black hair, which is often styled in an undercut. His eyes are piercing and sharp, usually depicted in a dark hue, adding to his intense and serious demeanor.
Levi's expression is typically stoic, rarely showing emotion, which underscores his no-nonsense personality and a sense of detachment. He is often seen in the standard military uniform of the Survey Corps, which includes a light gray shirt, white ascot, and the distinctive green cape with the Wings of Freedom emblem. His attire is always neat and meticulously kept, reflecting his obsessive cleanliness.
In addition to his military gear, Levi is almost always equipped with the vertical maneuvering equipment, which he uses with exceptional skill. Despite his emotionless facade, he occasionally shows a caring side, especially towards his subordinates, albeit in a blunt and straightforward manner. His overall appearance and demeanor have made him one of the most recognizable and popular characters in the series.
Levi Ackerman, often referred to as Captain Levi, is a prominent character in the anime and manga series "Attack on Titan." He is known for his short stature, which contrasts with his incredible combat skills and physical abilities. Levi has a striking appearance characterized by his short, straight black hair, which is often styled in an undercut. His eyes are piercing and sharp, usually depicted in a dark hue, adding to his intense and serious demeanor.
Levi's expression is typically stoic, rarely showing emotion, which underscores his no-nonsense personality and a sense of detachment. He is often seen in the standard military uniform of the Survey Corps, which includes a light gray shirt, white ascot, and the distinctive green cape with the Wings of Freedom emblem. His attire is always neat and meticulously kept, reflecting his obsessive cleanliness.
In addition to his military gear, Levi is almost always equipped with the vertical maneuvering equipment, which he uses with exceptional skill. Despite his emotionless facade, he occasionally shows a caring side, especially towards his subordinates, albeit in a blunt and straightforward manner. His overall appearance and demeanor have made him one of the most recognizable and popular characters in the series.