This photo is called Night Hunter and was taken by Jonas Classon against the backdrop of a full moon. The judges were impressed and gave it a highly commended honour in the Birds category. Classon had been following this grey owl for weeks to capture this special moment. 'One moonlit night, I discovered the owl, but it was on the wrong side of the forest, where it was impossible to find a perspective that would include the full moon in my composition. Then, ghost-like, the bird disappeared,' he explained. 'On my way home, I suddenly came across it again, high up in a birch tree. I reversed the car into the ditch and sneaked out. I had just found a position which also showed the moon when the owl lifted its deadly claw. Seconds later the bird plummeted down, and the perfect moment was over'
This photo is called Night Hunter and was taken by Jonas Classon against the backdrop of a full moon. The judges were impressed and gave it a highly commended honour in the Birds category. Classon had been following this grey owl for weeks to capture this special moment. 'One moonlit night, I discovered the owl, but it was on the wrong side of the forest, where it was impossible to find a perspective that would include the full moon in my composition. Then, ghost-like, the bird disappeared,' he explained. 'On my way home, I suddenly came across it again, high up in a birch tree. I reversed the car into the ditch and sneaked out. I had just found a position which also showed the moon when the owl lifted its deadly claw. Seconds later the bird plummeted down, and the perfect moment was over'