Imagine a futuristic version of a superhero inspired by John Stewart, known for being a Green Lantern. The character is in a sleek, high-tech suit with glowing green accents and patterns resembling a lantern. The suit has advanced technology integrated into it, including a wrist device that projects holographic displays. His posture is confident and determined, symbolizing his role as a guardian. The background features a futuristic cityscape with advanced architecture and neon lights. The color scheme includes green, black, and metallic tones, creating a sense of a high-tech, intergalactic protector. This is a full-body portrait.
Imagine a futuristic version of a superhero inspired by John Stewart, known for being a Green Lantern. The character is in a sleek, high-tech suit with glowing green accents and patterns resembling a lantern. The suit has advanced technology integrated into it, including a wrist device that projects holographic displays. His posture is confident and determined, symbolizing his role as a guardian. The background features a futuristic cityscape with advanced architecture and neon lights. The color scheme includes green, black, and metallic tones, creating a sense of a high-tech, intergalactic protector. This is a full-body portrait.