A superheroine inspired by the Mesopotamian goddess Tiamat, depicted as a master of cosmic anomalies. She should have an attire that combines Mesopotamian elements with futuristic cosmic designs, richly adorned with spiral galaxy motifs. The character should be wearing a pendant capable of summoning and stabilizing cosmic anomalies. The color scheme includes chaos crimson, nebula navy, and galaxy gold, symbolizing her control over cosmic chaos and the creation of galaxies. The design should reflect the grandeur and power of an enchantress in charge of the cosmic dance, with a majestic pose that conveys her authority over stars and chaos. Full body image.
A superheroine inspired by the Mesopotamian goddess Tiamat, depicted as a master of cosmic anomalies. She should have an attire that combines Mesopotamian elements with futuristic cosmic designs, richly adorned with spiral galaxy motifs. The character should be wearing a pendant capable of summoning and stabilizing cosmic anomalies. The color scheme includes chaos crimson, nebula navy, and galaxy gold, symbolizing her control over cosmic chaos and the creation of galaxies. The design should reflect the grandeur and power of an enchantress in charge of the cosmic dance, with a majestic pose that conveys her authority over stars and chaos. Full body image.