A supervillain inspired by the Gemini zodiac sign, named Mirage Duo. This character has the power of illusion and duplication, able to create confusing multiples of themselves or alter their appearance. The supervillain's costume reflects the dual nature of Gemini, with a design that is symmetrical and incorporates elements of duality and trickery. The character is shown in a full-body pose, showcasing the illusionary effects and the ability to duplicate. The background can be abstract or surreal, reflecting the chaotic and unpredictable nature of their powers. The character can be either male or female, with a posture that is enigmatic and cunning, embodying the essence of Gemini.
A supervillain inspired by the Gemini zodiac sign, named Mirage Duo. This character has the power of illusion and duplication, able to create confusing multiples of themselves or alter their appearance. The supervillain's costume reflects the dual nature of Gemini, with a design that is symmetrical and incorporates elements of duality and trickery. The character is shown in a full-body pose, showcasing the illusionary effects and the ability to duplicate. The background can be abstract or surreal, reflecting the chaotic and unpredictable nature of their powers. The character can be either male or female, with a posture that is enigmatic and cunning, embodying the essence of Gemini.