Supervillain inspired by The Pied Piper, known for his ability to lead children away with his music. His full-body suit is an array of devices that can control minds, alter emotions, and even manipulate the physical properties of objects through resonant frequencies. His flute is a conduit for sonic waves that can tear through metal or soothe the most savage beast. He is a master of sound, using his abilities to bend the will of others to his own nefarious purposes. Colors: melody mauve, discordant black, and hypnotic gold, full body.
Supervillain inspired by The Pied Piper, known for his ability to lead children away with his music. His full-body suit is an array of devices that can control minds, alter emotions, and even manipulate the physical properties of objects through resonant frequencies. His flute is a conduit for sonic waves that can tear through metal or soothe the most savage beast. He is a master of sound, using his abilities to bend the will of others to his own nefarious purposes. Colors: melody mauve, discordant black, and hypnotic gold, full body.