Superhero inspired by Ralts: Channelling the ethereal presence of Ralts, a feeling Poke mon with a white, bowl-like cap. The ensemble focuses on soft whites and greens, reflecting its Psychic/Fairy attributes. Flowing fabrics and delicate patterns capture its graceful, otherworldly nature. A headpiece mirrors its distinctive cap and green hair that covers its eyes. Colors: pristine white and gentle green. Full body.
Superhero inspired by Ralts: Channelling the ethereal presence of Ralts, a feeling Poke mon with a white, bowl-like cap. The ensemble focuses on soft whites and greens, reflecting its Psychic/Fairy attributes. Flowing fabrics and delicate patterns capture its graceful, otherworldly nature. A headpiece mirrors its distinctive cap and green hair that covers its eyes. Colors: pristine white and gentle green. Full body.