a bustling metropolis comes alive as the camera zooms in on a school and building - made up of neon lights and sleek black space. The buildings are illuminated through the crisp blue sun, casting shadows on the asphalt below. The streets are alive with the sound of honking horns and chatter, as cars and pedestrians hurry by, their silhouettes visible on the ground. In the distance, a towering skyscraper towers over metropolis, a testament to the city's growth and growth.
a bustling metropolis comes alive as the camera zooms in on a school and building - made up of neon lights and sleek black space. The buildings are illuminated through the crisp blue sun, casting shadows on the asphalt below. The streets are alive with the sound of honking horns and chatter, as cars and pedestrians hurry by, their silhouettes visible on the ground. In the distance, a towering skyscraper towers over metropolis, a testament to the city's growth and growth.