Fenrir: Villain
Concept: A ruthless eco-terrorist who seeks to unleash natural disasters upon humanity, believing that humans have irreparably damaged the planet.
Costume: A ragged fur cloak made from the pelts of various animals
Accessory: A set of enchanted chains that can bind and control natural forces, and a staff that can summon storms and earthquakes.
Palette: Black, grey, with hints of sickly green and blood red.
Fenrir: Villain
Concept: A ruthless eco-terrorist who seeks to unleash natural disasters upon humanity, believing that humans have irreparably damaged the planet.
Costume: A ragged fur cloak made from the pelts of various animals
Accessory: A set of enchanted chains that can bind and control natural forces, and a staff that can summon storms and earthquakes.
Palette: Black, grey, with hints of sickly green and blood red.