A surreal and captivating scene in New York City, featuring a colossal sushi-shaped helicopter known as 'Sushi-helicopter'. The sushi body consists of a variety of sashimi slices, assembling a detailed and realistic sushi roll design. The glowing caviar propeller emits a delicate, ethereal light, casting a warm glow over the city. The 'LFGB' label, a reference to the German food safety regulations, is displayed prominently on the sushi body. The Sushi-helicopter stands proudly in the center of the bustling metropolis, towering over the skyscrapers and capturing the attention of astonished onlookers.
A surreal and captivating scene in New York City, featuring a colossal sushi-shaped helicopter known as 'Sushi-helicopter'. The sushi body consists of a variety of sashimi slices, assembling a detailed and realistic sushi roll design. The glowing caviar propeller emits a delicate, ethereal light, casting a warm glow over the city. The 'LFGB' label, a reference to the German food safety regulations, is displayed prominently on the sushi body. The Sushi-helicopter stands proudly in the center of the bustling metropolis, towering over the skyscrapers and capturing the attention of astonished onlookers.