Amidst the vast maze of the bustling metropolis, a dazzling scene unfolds. The cobblestone streets are lined with sleek, modern buildings, their surfaces coated in an ethereal glow. The air is thick with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of chatter and the hum of a steaming cup of tea fills the air. Beyond the stairs, a golden carpet casts a soft glow over the cobblestones, its fabric intricately carved with images of past events.
Amidst the vast maze of the bustling metropolis, a dazzling scene unfolds. The cobblestone streets are lined with sleek, modern buildings, their surfaces coated in an ethereal glow. The air is thick with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of chatter and the hum of a steaming cup of tea fills the air. Beyond the stairs, a golden carpet casts a soft glow over the cobblestones, its fabric intricately carved with images of past events.