❤️,👾 Iridescent, Side view of a beautiful woman holding a bright shimmering rosebud in her hands :: She is wearing a low-cut dress that is blue like the night with pearls on the dress that sparkle like the stars ::She is sitting next to shimmering water in a cave shimmering glitter :: the dress touches the water :: perfect body :: oil painting by James Gurney, Photorealistic, foto, realistic, as real as possible, Hyperdetailed, artgerm, lightning, beautiful, flying hair
❤️,👾 Iridescent, Side view of a beautiful woman holding a bright shimmering rosebud in her hands :: She is wearing a low-cut dress that is blue like the night with pearls on the dress that sparkle like the stars ::She is sitting next to shimmering water in a cave shimmering glitter :: the dress touches the water :: perfect body :: oil painting by James Gurney, Photorealistic, foto, realistic, as real as possible, Hyperdetailed, artgerm, lightning, beautiful, flying hair