A young woman with short blue strapless jeans and a pair of oversized ballet slippers stands in front of a brick gym, her hands resting on the bench in one hand. She wears a bright blue sundress and a confident expression as she works on a new muscle line. The sun beats down on her, bathing everything in a pristine silver light. The gymnasium nearby has been transformed into a bustling gym, with the sound of crowds and cladding echoes in the background.
A young woman with short blue strapless jeans and a pair of oversized ballet slippers stands in front of a brick gym, her hands resting on the bench in one hand. She wears a bright blue sundress and a confident expression as she works on a new muscle line. The sun beats down on her, bathing everything in a pristine silver light. The gymnasium nearby has been transformed into a bustling gym, with the sound of crowds and cladding echoes in the background.