In the heart of a vibrant garden, a young woman finds solace under her umbrella. The umbrella is adorned with butterflies, their wings spread wide in a dance of colors. She's dressed in a pink sweater that contrasts beautifully with the black dress she wears beneath it. A book rests in her hands, perhaps a companion to the peaceful garden setting. The ground is carpeted with fallen petals, hinting at the beauty that once bloomed above. The backdrop of this tranquil scene is a dark sky, punctuated by the soft glow of a full moon casting long shadows and adding an air of mystery to the image.
In the heart of a vibrant garden, a young woman finds solace under her umbrella. The umbrella is adorned with butterflies, their wings spread wide in a dance of colors. She's dressed in a pink sweater that contrasts beautifully with the black dress she wears beneath it. A book rests in her hands, perhaps a companion to the peaceful garden setting. The ground is carpeted with fallen petals, hinting at the beauty that once bloomed above. The backdrop of this tranquil scene is a dark sky, punctuated by the soft glow of a full moon casting long shadows and adding an air of mystery to the image.