A fantastical seascape unfolds, as delicate white petals swirl and curl, descending towards a mesmerizing, iridescent abyss. A solitary, ethereal goddess stands on the edge of a vast river, her hand moving swiftly, scattering these pure wings. She rides the wind for a fleeting instant, her basket overflowing with birds, only to witness their flight falter and plummet onto the river's bosom. The basket of birds, destined to drown, creates a poignant tableau against the city's silhouette. The goddess weeps, her hand transforming into a grotesque, ravenous claw, relentless in its repetition, dispensing death. Her eyes mirror the terror of existence, a haunting monument to the ephemeral beauty of life and the brutality of its demise.
A fantastical seascape unfolds, as delicate white petals swirl and curl, descending towards a mesmerizing, iridescent abyss. A solitary, ethereal goddess stands on the edge of a vast river, her hand moving swiftly, scattering these pure wings. She rides the wind for a fleeting instant, her basket overflowing with birds, only to witness their flight falter and plummet onto the river's bosom. The basket of birds, destined to drown, creates a poignant tableau against the city's silhouette. The goddess weeps, her hand transforming into a grotesque, ravenous claw, relentless in its repetition, dispensing death. Her eyes mirror the terror of existence, a haunting monument to the ephemeral beauty of life and the brutality of its demise.