In a heart-wrenching arc, a bright-tailed student with scowls and a smile on her face takes the stage around a large window in a quaint, quaint hall filled with stuffed animals and artifacts. Her chest peeks out from behind her, and she looks curious as she looks up at the stars. The students, dressed in elegant outfits, cheer and dance along to her snout. The scene is a celebration of the future of socializing and learning.
In a heart-wrenching arc, a bright-tailed student with scowls and a smile on her face takes the stage around a large window in a quaint, quaint hall filled with stuffed animals and artifacts. Her chest peeks out from behind her, and she looks curious as she looks up at the stars. The students, dressed in elegant outfits, cheer and dance along to her snout. The scene is a celebration of the future of socializing and learning.