in a futuristic laboratory, a young woman in a shimmering silver suit, a short-hairstyle adorned with a shimmering necklace and glasses gazes intently at a magnifying glass that floats through the vast expanse of space. A scientist resides in the center of the room, peering intently into the glass and casting a soft glow on the scene. Bright colors and starlight dance across the space station, creating a dreamlike aura around her. The stars twinkle like stars, adding to the surreal and fantastical scene.
in a futuristic laboratory, a young woman in a shimmering silver suit, a short-hairstyle adorned with a shimmering necklace and glasses gazes intently at a magnifying glass that floats through the vast expanse of space. A scientist resides in the center of the room, peering intently into the glass and casting a soft glow on the scene. Bright colors and starlight dance across the space station, creating a dreamlike aura around her. The stars twinkle like stars, adding to the surreal and fantastical scene.