In a dimly lit, medieval fantasy classroom, an aged elf wizard stands before his students, his right hand releasing a vibrant green aura that illuminates the space. His tired face, weathered by the years, is etched with deep wrinkles, yet still conveys wisdom and authority. He wears a luxurious cream white robe adorned with intricate golden edges, which glows softly in the faint light. The room is filled with rows of wooden desks, each piled high with ancient tomes and mysterious artifacts, while the wizard's students sit attentively, their faces aglow with wonder and curiosity.
In a dimly lit, medieval fantasy classroom, an aged elf wizard stands before his students, his right hand releasing a vibrant green aura that illuminates the space. His tired face, weathered by the years, is etched with deep wrinkles, yet still conveys wisdom and authority. He wears a luxurious cream white robe adorned with intricate golden edges, which glows softly in the faint light. The room is filled with rows of wooden desks, each piled high with ancient tomes and mysterious artifacts, while the wizard's students sit attentively, their faces aglow with wonder and curiosity.