In this captivating supernatural scene, a man with blonde hair and sinister horns on his head stands in a moonlit park at night, exuding both power and seduction. His intense red eyes glare into the darkness, while his enigmatic, dark outfit, sans a shirt, accentuates his alluring presence. The shadows cast eerie shapes around the park, hinting at a hidden, mysterious romance. The gentle scent of roses lingers, adding an air of intrigue to this hauntingly beautiful and darkly elegant scene.
In this captivating supernatural scene, a man with blonde hair and sinister horns on his head stands in a moonlit park at night, exuding both power and seduction. His intense red eyes glare into the darkness, while his enigmatic, dark outfit, sans a shirt, accentuates his alluring presence. The shadows cast eerie shapes around the park, hinting at a hidden, mysterious romance. The gentle scent of roses lingers, adding an air of intrigue to this hauntingly beautiful and darkly elegant scene.