In the heart of the city, a grand dome is adorned with intricate panels that make up the walls of the dome. Each panels is made of delicate petals, each one perfectly aligned and the very same size. As a small group of birds approaches, the petals open, revealing the depths of their wings and the depths of space inside. The air is filled with the scent of fresh flowers and blooming flowers, as if beckoning the observer with a warm, inviting feel.
In the heart of the city, a grand dome is adorned with intricate panels that make up the walls of the dome. Each panels is made of delicate petals, each one perfectly aligned and the very same size. As a small group of birds approaches, the petals open, revealing the depths of their wings and the depths of space inside. The air is filled with the scent of fresh flowers and blooming flowers, as if beckoning the observer with a warm, inviting feel.