Sketch Rendering
In the heart of the South America, a secluded colony lies covered in vibrant shades of green, red, and brown. The sun casts a warm glow over the landscape, creating a beautiful contrast against the rich, tropical foliage. The streets are empty, yet otherworldly, as if the only sounds are the soft rustling of the earth and the howling of birds. Modification: To create a more immersive scene, a small space with a fireplace sits on the floor, inviting the viewer to step inside and explore the wonders of this enchanting land. The walls of the Gaudi-style floor are painted a rich, green, and the walls are decorated with intricate details of flowers and flowers. A small table covers a small coffee shelf, inviting the viewer to indulge in a warm, inviting beverage. (Modification: To create a more immersive scene, a wooden table is uncovered with wooden chairs with a wooden floor.)
Day,Night,Snow,Autumn,Kitchen,Living Room,Basement,Dining Establishments,Public Building,Street Landscapes,City Street