Create a whimsical children's storybook cover featuring a joyful wooden puppet named Pinocchio, depicted mid-stride in a colorful, enchanted forest. Surround him with vibrant circles showcasing beloved characters from his adventures, like Jiminy Cricket and the Blue Fairy. Use a bright color palette with playful fonts for the title 'Pinocchio' at the top. Include elements of magic, such as twinkling stars and gentle forest creatures.
Create a whimsical children's storybook cover featuring a joyful wooden puppet named Pinocchio, depicted mid-stride in a colorful, enchanted forest. Surround him with vibrant circles showcasing beloved characters from his adventures, like Jiminy Cricket and the Blue Fairy. Use a bright color palette with playful fonts for the title 'Pinocchio' at the top. Include elements of magic, such as twinkling stars and gentle forest creatures.