An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, featuring a petite high school girl with a slender and delicate figure, exuding a mysterious and enigmatic presence. Her long black hair, subtly streaked with brown, falls in a noticeably unkempt, wild style, with a few strands framing her face to enhance her untamed charm. Her deep black eyes are cold and emotionless, drawing attention with their piercing and unsettling gaze. She wears an intricate academy uniform designed with a touch of gothic elegance—featuring a high-collared blouse, layered with a fitted blazer adorned with silver embroidery, and a skirt with asymmetrical patterns and flowing lace edges. The uniform is accented by a dark gemstone pendant resting at her chest, suggesting her special status within the academy. The background is set in a grand, moonlit school corridor, where tall arched windows cast silvery light onto the polished wooden floors, creating an otherworldly, ethereal atmosphere
An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, featuring a petite high school girl with a slender and delicate figure, exuding a mysterious and enigmatic presence. Her long black hair, subtly streaked with brown, falls in a noticeably unkempt, wild style, with a few strands framing her face to enhance her untamed charm. Her deep black eyes are cold and emotionless, drawing attention with their piercing and unsettling gaze. She wears an intricate academy uniform designed with a touch of gothic elegance—featuring a high-collared blouse, layered with a fitted blazer adorned with silver embroidery, and a skirt with asymmetrical patterns and flowing lace edges. The uniform is accented by a dark gemstone pendant resting at her chest, suggesting her special status within the academy. The background is set in a grand, moonlit school corridor, where tall arched windows cast silvery light onto the polished wooden floors, creating an otherworldly, ethereal atmosphere