In the quiet of the enchanted forest, the Mysterious Old Man stands tall with his wooden staff, looking out over the kingdom. The sun is setting, casting warm orange and gold hues across the sky. The old man’s deep eyes are wise and kind, filled with understanding. His tattered purple robe flows around him, and the magical runes on his robes glow softly. The air is calm and peaceful. A young prince with short blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a deep blue royal coat with golden embroidery, white breeches, and black boots, he stands next to old Man.
In the quiet of the enchanted forest, the Mysterious Old Man stands tall with his wooden staff, looking out over the kingdom. The sun is setting, casting warm orange and gold hues across the sky. The old man’s deep eyes are wise and kind, filled with understanding. His tattered purple robe flows around him, and the magical runes on his robes glow softly. The air is calm and peaceful. A young prince with short blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a deep blue royal coat with golden embroidery, white breeches, and black boots, he stands next to old Man.