Title: Santa Claus and the Sorcerer’s Gift
Tagline: “The greatest gift is magic itself.”
A digital illustration of teenage Nicholas Claus and Helena Claus at Hogwarts.
Nicholas Claus (later to be Santa Claus) is a teenager, with towhead blonde hair and no white beard. He wears a Hufflepuff-inspired robe, with a slightly awkward but warm expression, much like a young Neville Longbottom. He holds a wand in one hand, standing in front of a magical, festive Hogwarts backdrop with soft golden light and snowflakes falling around. By his side is a magical creature resembling a reindeer, perhaps with sparkling antlers or a soft glow to emphasize its magical nature.
Helena Claus (Mrs. Claus-to-be), also a teenager, is dressed in blue and silver robes, styled like Professor Trelawny, holding a crystal ball that she uses to see what kids are doing. She has a mystical aura, with slightly wild hair and large spectacles, standing next to Nicholas with a confident and wise expression.
The Hogwarts castle glows in the background, with snow on the ground, and magical reindeer can be seen near Santa’s sleigh in the distance.
Robbins Family
Young Nicholas Claus and his friend Helena - as teenagers at Hogwarts. Years later they'd become Santa and Mrs. Claus using magic to run the whole Christmas operation.
Title: Santa Claus and the Sorcerer’s Gift
Tagline: “The greatest gift is magic itself.”
A digital illustration of teenage Nicholas Claus and Helena Claus at Hogwarts.
Nicholas Claus (later to be Santa Claus) is a teenager, with towhead blonde hair and no white beard. He wears a Hufflepuff-inspired robe, with a slightly awkward but warm expression, much like a young Neville Longbottom. He holds a wand in one hand, standing in front of a magical, festive Hogwarts backdrop with soft golden light and snowflakes falling around. By his side is a magical creature resembling a reindeer, perhaps with sparkling antlers or a soft glow to emphasize its magical nature.
Helena Claus (Mrs. Claus-to-be), also a teenager, is dressed in blue and silver robes, styled like Professor Trelawny, holding a crystal ball that she uses to see what kids are doing. She has a mystical aura, with slightly wild hair and large spectacles, standing next to Nicholas with a confident and wise expression.
The Hogwarts castle glows in the background, with snow on the ground, and magical reindeer can be seen near Santa’s sleigh in the distance.
Robbins Family
Young Nicholas Claus and his friend Helena - as teenagers at Hogwarts. Years later they'd become Santa and Mrs. Claus using magic to run the whole Christmas operation.