"Recreate a poster featuring Ryu from Street Fighter. Show him in his signature white gi with a red headband, performing a Hadouken move, with glowing energy balls in his hands. Use a fiery orange and black color scheme with Japanese kanji symbols in the background. Add the text 'Ryu' in a bold blocky font at the top and 'Street Fighter 1991' in smaller font at the bottom. Render the poster with a mix of modern 3D realism and retro 16-bit accents, emphasizing motion and power."
"Recreate a poster featuring Ryu from Street Fighter. Show him in his signature white gi with a red headband, performing a Hadouken move, with glowing energy balls in his hands. Use a fiery orange and black color scheme with Japanese kanji symbols in the background. Add the text 'Ryu' in a bold blocky font at the top and 'Street Fighter 1991' in smaller font at the bottom. Render the poster with a mix of modern 3D realism and retro 16-bit accents, emphasizing motion and power."