Imagine the classic story of Titanic reimagined aboard an interstellar spaceship in the year 3025, the SS Titanic-X, a luxury space cruiser traveling to a newly colonized planet. Jack is no longer just a painter but a brilliant yet rebellious programmer who hacks his way onboard. Rose, instead of being a socialite, is a highly advanced android with consciousness, trapped in a contract with the human elite.
In this reinterpretation, the 'iceberg' is an asteroid carrying alien intelligence, threatening not only to destroy the ship but to unveil secrets of a galactic conspiracy. Jack and Rose must unite their worlds –human and android– to save the passengers, while navigating a forbidden romance that challenges the boundaries of humanity.
Design Requirements:
Tone: A mix of epic drama with absurd humor and futuristic pop culture references.
Settings: A luxurious space cruiser, featuring retro-futuristic details and quirky aliens.
Characters: Include parodic versions of iconic Jack and Rose, along with new characters like a holographic captain having an existential crisis and a mischievous alien sidekick.
Unexpected Ending: Will the ship be saved? Or will the asteroid spark a love story between civilizations?
Imagine the classic story of Titanic reimagined aboard an interstellar spaceship in the year 3025, the SS Titanic-X, a luxury space cruiser traveling to a newly colonized planet. Jack is no longer just a painter but a brilliant yet rebellious programmer who hacks his way onboard. Rose, instead of being a socialite, is a highly advanced android with consciousness, trapped in a contract with the human elite.
In this reinterpretation, the 'iceberg' is an asteroid carrying alien intelligence, threatening not only to destroy the ship but to unveil secrets of a galactic conspiracy. Jack and Rose must unite their worlds –human and android– to save the passengers, while navigating a forbidden romance that challenges the boundaries of humanity.
Design Requirements:
Tone: A mix of epic drama with absurd humor and futuristic pop culture references.
Settings: A luxurious space cruiser, featuring retro-futuristic details and quirky aliens.
Characters: Include parodic versions of iconic Jack and Rose, along with new characters like a holographic captain having an existential crisis and a mischievous alien sidekick.
Unexpected Ending: Will the ship be saved? Or will the asteroid spark a love story between civilizations?