"A stunning UHD 3D render of Lucifer, portrayed as a fallen angel seated on a jagged, shadowy rock in the midst of a desolate, barren wasteland. His luminous, tattered wings stretch behind him, glowing faintly against the lifeless, cracked terrain. His gaze is fixed upward at a darkened, turbulent sky, where streaks of faint light struggle to pierce through the ominous clouds, reflecting a blend of anger, sorrow, and defiance. A shattered, glowing halo rests at his feet, radiating a faint golden hue against the ashen ground. The scene is rich with detail, from the intricate textures of his rugged armor and weathered features to the somber interplay of light and shadow, evoking a profound sense of injustice, loss, and unyielding determination."
"A stunning UHD 3D render of Lucifer, portrayed as a fallen angel seated on a jagged, shadowy rock in the midst of a desolate, barren wasteland. His luminous, tattered wings stretch behind him, glowing faintly against the lifeless, cracked terrain. His gaze is fixed upward at a darkened, turbulent sky, where streaks of faint light struggle to pierce through the ominous clouds, reflecting a blend of anger, sorrow, and defiance. A shattered, glowing halo rests at his feet, radiating a faint golden hue against the ashen ground. The scene is rich with detail, from the intricate textures of his rugged armor and weathered features to the somber interplay of light and shadow, evoking a profound sense of injustice, loss, and unyielding determination."