"A family consisting of a father, mother, and two children is seated comfortably in their living room on a calm morning, all facing a 65-inch TV. The television displays news of ongoing riots in a city, showing scenes of crowded streets, blaring sirens, and live reports from journalists. Sunlight filters through the windows, casting a warm glow in the room, contrasting with the tension conveyed by the scenes on the screen. The family’s faces reflect concern and focus as they watch the events unfold."
Illustration-American Style 07
Living Room,Day
Full Body Shot,Rear View,Look Up View
"A family consisting of a father, mother, and two children is seated comfortably in their living room on a calm morning, all facing a 65-inch TV. The television displays news of ongoing riots in a city, showing scenes of crowded streets, blaring sirens, and live reports from journalists. Sunlight filters through the windows, casting a warm glow in the room, contrasting with the tension conveyed by the scenes on the screen. The family’s faces reflect concern and focus as they watch the events unfold."
Illustration-American Style 07
Living Room,Day
Full Body Shot,Rear View,Look Up View