four female angels, depicted in an epic and ominous scene, the scene is set against a backdrop of red dragons, one angel with wings slightly raised fighting each other, both figures appear to be smiting or smitting, intricate details on the armory angels' bodys and wings, two smaller angel figures standing to the left side respectively, all angels have long hair that covers their bodies, below the large angel is a smaller angel with wings stretched forward, above the larger angel is a smaller angel with wings that are partially visible fighting each other, background has a greenish hue reflecting
four female angels, depicted in an epic and ominous scene, the scene is set against a backdrop of red dragons, one angel with wings slightly raised fighting each other, both figures appear to be smiting or smitting, intricate details on the armory angels' bodys and wings, two smaller angel figures standing to the left side respectively, all angels have long hair that covers their bodies, below the large angel is a smaller angel with wings stretched forward, above the larger angel is a smaller angel with wings that are partially visible fighting each other, background has a greenish hue reflecting