Neptune rises from the sea, his massive fish tail emerging from crashing waves as he protects Jason and the Argonauts' ship from a deadly rockfall. His towering form, flowing beard, and trident radiate divine power as he halts the falling boulders. The Argonauts watch in awe from their wooden ship, sails strained against the storm. In the distance, the colossal bronze statue of Talos looms over the shore.
Neptune rises from the sea, his massive fish tail emerging from crashing waves as he protects Jason and the Argonauts' ship from a deadly rockfall. His towering form, flowing beard, and trident radiate divine power as he halts the falling boulders. The Argonauts watch in awe from their wooden ship, sails strained against the storm. In the distance, the colossal bronze statue of Talos looms over the shore.