In a picturesque ancient street, paved with cobblestones and adorned with a series of low arches, there stands a wall fountain on the left side. The fountain, with its elliptical shape, features a frame made of weathered stones. Clear water gushes from the center of the fountain, cascades along the wall, and collects in an elliptical basin below. Just next to the fountain, there is a grand arched opening with a semi-closed wooden door. To the left of the door, there are steps with people descending. On the left side of the street, there are shops with fogged-up display windows.
In a picturesque ancient street, paved with cobblestones and adorned with a series of low arches, there stands a wall fountain on the left side. The fountain, with its elliptical shape, features a frame made of weathered stones. Clear water gushes from the center of the fountain, cascades along the wall, and collects in an elliptical basin below. Just next to the fountain, there is a grand arched opening with a semi-closed wooden door. To the left of the door, there are steps with people descending. On the left side of the street, there are shops with fogged-up display windows.