Like hand drawing sketch. black and white and point color blue
This site will set new standards for equitable, sustainable development and healthy living. The site will connection with surrounded parks that connect occupants to light, air, food, nature, and community. All buildings will be designed with sustainability and regeneration in mind. Ample new green spaces will increase walkability and connectivity, manage stormwater, and improve tree coverage and air quality. the master plan will create a vibrant, walkable, and livable community centered on sustainability, health, and wellbeing.
Like hand drawing sketch. black and white and point color blue
This site will set new standards for equitable, sustainable development and healthy living. The site will connection with surrounded parks that connect occupants to light, air, food, nature, and community. All buildings will be designed with sustainability and regeneration in mind. Ample new green spaces will increase walkability and connectivity, manage stormwater, and improve tree coverage and air quality. the master plan will create a vibrant, walkable, and livable community centered on sustainability, health, and wellbeing.