Design a captivating Star Wars poster showcasing the diverse and colorful characters of the original trilogy. Include Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and others, each in dynamic poses that highlight their unique personalities and roles in the Rebel Alliance. The poster should feature a cosmic background with the Millennium Falcon and X-wing fighters, symbolizing the epic journey and camaraderie of the rebel heroes. Use vibrant colors and energetic compositions to capture the spirit of adventure and heroism that defines the Star Wars universe
Design a captivating Star Wars poster showcasing the diverse and colorful characters of the original trilogy. Include Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and others, each in dynamic poses that highlight their unique personalities and roles in the Rebel Alliance. The poster should feature a cosmic background with the Millennium Falcon and X-wing fighters, symbolizing the epic journey and camaraderie of the rebel heroes. Use vibrant colors and energetic compositions to capture the spirit of adventure and heroism that defines the Star Wars universe